Good morning!
CHEAP: adj
Relatively low in cost; inexpensive or comparatively inexpensive
I've always disliked the word "cheap." I mean, doesn't it sound 1K times better to say "less expensive?" And I think the word "cheap" has a bad wrap. If something is called "cheap" does that mean it's bad? Or if something is called "cheap" does that simply mean you've gotten a great deal on something that once cost a lot more than what you ended up paying for it? Or does "cheap" mean a low price and a low quality? Your thoughts?...
Let me just toss this on the table ~ I don't consider myself a "cheap" kinda gal ~ but I do get excited when I snag a fabulous pair of Micheal Kors boots that have been reduced by 25%. I do get excited when my favorite wine is available for 10% less on "Wednesday Wine Day." I do get excited when I find a fabulous, quality menu item at a restaurant that is not attached to a gynormous price. Based on what I just typed, I can say with the utmost confidence that the 25% savings on the Micheal Kors boots does not make the boots "cheap." The 10% savings on "Wednesday Wine Day" does not make Pinot Grigio Santa Margherita "cheap." A fabulous quality menu item that is not attached to a gynormous price does not make that item "cheap or of poor quality." Sorry, I just don't think it does!
Now let's flip this coin to the other dirty side of "cheap." There are absolutely things I associate the dirty side of "cheap" with. Absolutely! There is "cheap" clothing at Wal Mart. Now, before you start thinking I'm a snob, I have purchased items at Wal Mart before. I've purchased short sleeve v neck t-shirts. I've purchased tights in the Winter. I've purchased pajamas. I can assure you all of those items were "cheap" as in cheaply made - not a lot of quality work went into them and I actually ended up spending MORE money than if I had just purchased the short sleeve v neck t-shirts at J.Crew like I have always done, if I had just purchased my Winter tights at Banana Republic like I have always done, and if I had just purchased my pajamas at Garnet Hill like I have always done. Instead, I tried to save some money and ended up throwing everything away and replacing everything with the "tried and true" quality items, thus spending more money! Oh well, lesson learned, right? So I'm going to say CHEAP CLOTHES = FAIL! Oh, and J.Crew - I'll never cheat on you again!! :) My brother shares my feelings! He is the co-proprietor of WRATH ARCANE ~ not "cheap" men's clothing ~ quality, Made In The USA clothing! Just ask Lebron James - he was wearing WRATH ARCANE on "The Daily Show With John Stewart!" Or ask the fabulous actor, Idris Elba, who was photographed on the May 3, 2010 cover of "Jet!"
P.S., my all-time favorite "clothing find" is, hands town, a pair of black PRADA mules that I found at a Little Rock thrift shop ~ $20.00!! And, yes, they are authentic and, yes, they are fabuloso! :)
Now on to "cheap" wine. I'm sorry, I just can't go there. I just can't. I have tried. I have failed. It's just not my friend! If you have an interest in making cheap wine I've attached a video for you! LOL!! I've also attached a link to "The Most Expensive Wines" for you! If anyone out there can afford the hundred year old bottles of Shipwrecked Heidsieck (a mere $275K) let me know how it is! I'm a MOET gal but I'd be MORE than happy to sip on some hundred year old bubbles! :) My favorite wines are Pinot Grigio Santa Margherita, Penfolds Bin 407, and Opus One! My birthday is September 16th ~ if anyone would like to send me the Opus One wine gift basket at, I will happily accept!!
Now on to "cheap food." Let me just toss this on the table...there is NOTHING better than a cheap, greasy cheeseburger! Now, I don't mean the .99 double cheeseburger at McDonalds that my husband Chris calls "the best value in America!" LOL!! (blech!) No ma'am! No sir! I mean the kind of cheap, greasy cheeseburgers at those "hole in the wall" kind of places. My favorite cheap, greasy cheeseburger when I lived in Little Rock, Arkansas could always be found at THE BOX. Man oh man was it good! Man oh man are they rockin' good! It's a party in your mouth!!
I firmly believe there is BAD "cheap" food out there! Cheap pizza at those convenience store pizza joints - blech!! Seriously, have you ever had pizza from a convenience store? Trust me...just do not go there! Cheap food can be found at a lot of chain restaurants ~ poor quality and pretty much tasteless. Personally, I don't "do" chain restaurants other than "Chili's." It's a personal choice and one that is pretty much based on the fact Chris and I are both excellent cooks and for us to go out to eat, well, it has to be pretty spectacular since we can make anything we want ourselves! I'd rather sit home and eat stale saltine crackers than go to a chain restaurant and eat tasteless, poor quality food! Our favorite restaurant in our quaint town nestled in the Ozark Mountains is "Rogue's Manor!" It is fabuloso! It's located three blocks from our inn, MOUNT VICTORIA, and we love, love, love it! I love the Mediterranean pasta with prawns added and Chris favors the Osso Buco. On New Year's Eve I had the divine lobster and Chris stuck with "old trusty" and ordered the Osso Buco. When in season, we love, love, love their oysters and they also have a fabuloso potted montrachet appetizer. (creamy goat cheese, sun dried tomatoes, artichoke hearts, Kalamata olives...all to spread on toast points!) Yayo!! Yummy!!
So, which is better? Whatdayathink? Cheap clothes? Cheap wine? Cheap food?
Me, personally ....I have to go with cheap food! Just order a cheap, greasy cheeseburger at "The Box" in Little Rock and you'll agree with me!
Shoot me some comments! Let me know your thoughts!! :)
Have a great day ya'll!
Always "Push The Parsley!"
~ A Girl Cook
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